DSpace on Cloud
Reliable DSpace hosting supported by Librarians.
Quick Deployment
Our automated workflow ensures a quick deployment. The core platform becomes ready in hours.
Affordable Service
Get started with as little as $100 per month. No setup fee! Choose the plan most suitable to you.
Awesome Support
Get help through multiple channels — email, chat, phone. Use the one you are most comfortable with.
What is DSpaceHub?
DSpaceHub is a cost effective cloud-based service that allows institutions to store, organize, and manage DSpace repository content without exhausting your IT budget. DSpace is used for preserving and providing access to various research materials such as papers, pre-prints, dissertations, etc. by making it easily available to academic faculty, student and other stakeholders.

Get in Touch
There is more to DSpaceHub than just cloud hosting. We provide wide array of services for DSpace, including, feasibility study, project management, data migration, staff training and user orientation. Get in touch with us for more details.